I have many more things I want to blog about the New Mexico trip, which was really wonderful, but now it's time to pack for Ireland and Scotland. I've never gone anywhere for three weeks before, and I guess technically, I'm going on three sub-trips, so I'm still not going anywhere for three weeks, but you know what I mean. Never been away from home for three weeks. I swing back and forth between "Oh, I don't have to take much" and "OMG, how will I be able to fit everything I need?" As usual, the truth probably exists in the middle somewhere.
Just want to give a quick shout-out to WGIII, my Dad, who has been super helpful in preparing for all this and has ended up doing a fair bit of the reservations and such that I intended to do. So just for that he deserves thanks and praise. But also, and more so, for all his support all my life long, in my ministry, and for getting me started on the roads of astronomy, family history, and faith in Christ. I am really glad we're getting to make this trip together.
Okay. Posts may be more sporadic over this stretch of the trip, as I have no idea what the internet situation will be in the various stages. I'm guessing good in Ireland, good luck in Cullen, Scotland, good again in brief stops in Glasgow, and what-are you crazy? in Iona. So posts may come in clumps. Will do my best to keep you informed, though, if you do your best to stay subscribed.
Here's to flying internationally on 9/12 and not the day before.
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