Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A chance to jot some notes on Iona

I wonder what I was going to write yesterday. It was a VERY full day, so no surprise I didn't get anything down.

Breakfast, worship, chores, session, lunch, trip to Staffa, set for dinner, dinner, clean up from dinner, session ("What Is Healing"), worship, cielidh (sp?). I skipped the last - the Scottish barn dance - because I was spent. I REALLY wanted to go to it, but it had just been too much.

Today was full, but not that full. No sessions, for one thing. I had been wanting to take the full off-road pilgrimage around the island today, but I didn't have the right shoes and I was running out of steam. So yesterday I decided not to push it. I went on the on-road pilgrimage, and it was enough. The weather was "low clouds" (read: rain), high winds, threatening. The journey went from the Abbey to Martyrs' Bay to the crossroads to Columba's Bay. Then lunch, and back to the Machair for tea and "flapjack" - granola bars - with the off-roaders. On to the Hill of Angels, the Village Bench, and through the village to end at St. Orin's Chapel. It was enough. Very interesting really.

It's now getting near time for the healing service tonight, so remind me to tell you about all the spots on the pilgrimage, about walking the labyrinth, about worship here, and about what hasn't happened as I might have expected.

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