Monday, September 6, 2010

A List, Part 1

Here, in no particular order and without comment, is a list of objects I observed (although generally didn't study at length) at New Mexico Skies, using the Celestron CPC 11" Schmidt-Cass on 04Sept2010:
  1. M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy
  2. M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy
  3. M81 and M82 - Bode's Galaxies (aka Nebulae)
  4. M8 - Lagoon Neb
  5. M20 - Trifid Neb
  6. M55 - Globular cluster
  7. M22 - Globular cluster
  8. M70, M69, M54, M28 - various small globular clusters
  9. M26 - Open cluster
  10. M7 - Open cluster
  11. M6 - Butterfly Cluster (open)
  12. M17 - Swan Neb
  13. M16 - Eagle Neb
  14. Jupiter
  15. Neptune
  16. Uranus
  17. M31 - Great Andromeda Galaxy
  18. M32 - Dwarf satellite galaxy of Andromeda
  19. M110 - Dwarf satellite galaxy of Andromeda
  20. M33 - Triangulum Galaxy
  21. M13 - Hercules Cluster (glob)
  22. M92 - Glob
  23. M27 - Dumbbell Neb (planetary)
  24. M76 - Little Dumbbell Neb (planetary)
  25. M103 - Open cluster
  26. M36 - "
  27. M37 - "
  28. M38 - "
  29. M45 - Pleiades (open)
  30. M42-43 - Orion Neb
  31. M1 Crab Neb (supernova remnant)
  32. M57 Ring Neb (planetary)
  33. Epsilon Lyrae - Double double star
  34. Albireo - Double star
  35. Alpha Capricorni - Double star
  36. Beta Capricorni - Double
  37. NGC 7662 - Blue Snowball Neb (planetary)
  38. NGC 884 and 869 - Double Cluster (open and open)
  39. NGC 1097 - Galaxy
  40. NGC 6960 - Veil Neb (supernova remnant?)
  41. NGC 7635 - Bubble Neb (planetary -- didn't really see anything there)
Not bad for a night's outing. The moon came up (about 24% illuminated, waning crescent) a little after 3:00 a.m., so I called it quits. Stay subscribed for more adventures, lists, and maybe some commentary.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!



    I hoped you blinked once in a while - remember Jacob's eyes at Kirkmont? I'm thinking you looked a lot like that!

    Hopefully, Hermine (I think someone misspelled "HermOine", frankly) doesn't cause you any trouble. He/she is supposed to make landfall near Brownsville and then swoop back east towards Houston later today, if not already.
