Monday, September 6, 2010

An interesting approach...

Here is a picture I took of the moon at about 5:00 this morning as it was rising. I held my Canon A560 up to one eyepiece of the JMI 6" binocs, using a +1 setting on exposure, I think. I enhanced the contrast and brightness and fixed a few hot pixels in Photoshop. The real thing looked better than this, but it's about dinner time, and I'm hungry, and this is as good as it gets right now.

Just so you know, I don't have any big equipment rented for tonight, so it may be an early evening. We'll see. Stay subscribed to find out what happens.


  1. Do you ever sleep? Was this taken at home?

  2. I slept from about 6:00 a.m. to noon today. Similarly all this week, give or take an hour on either end. Makes for a weird day.

    The picture was taken at New Mexico Skies, Mayhill, NM, where I am on retreat for a week. Check, or my earlier posts to find out more about it.
