It's taking a very long time to sort, process, and upload all the pictures I took in my sabbatical travels. I've finally selected to post them on Picasa, because they had a lot of space for cheap, and it's related to one of my email accounts and to this blog site. They don't make it easy, though, as I can only upload five pictures at a time. Plus, if I look at the browser the wrong way, it forgets what folder I have been working from on every other picture and starts me back at my documents folder. This is very annoying and doubles the time it takes to do the job. On other sites I can upload a whole folder at a single go. One gets what one pays for, apparently.
I don't know what that has to say about the quality of the pictures, because you get to see them for free. But for what they are worth, you can start seeing them, divided by excursion, at:
The various albums are generally in date order, starting with the most recent. While I haven't
yet captioned the pictures, I have included captions for the albums, and there is a map function so you can find where these things were happening (although I'm not sure how that works). I recommend starting at the beginning and working forward, but that's really up to you.
Please enjoy, and your comments are welcome! This part of the project should be finished pretty soon, and I will turn my attention to reflection and interpretation, which I hope will be insightful for all of us, so stay subscribed!